2024. Manifold is a suspended, motorized kinetic sculpture inspired by rigid origami forms.
The piece consists of tessellated parallelogram mirrored panels connected by hinges in zig-zag rows. The motorized structure slowly undulates, expands, and contracts as it reflects its surrounding trees and greenery. At night, lights illuminate the structure to create a disco-ball effect. An optional ambient soundscape accompanies the piece.
Viewers see the piece as they pass by and stop to observe the motions and lights. This is meant to be a contemplative piece. A nearby plaque explains some of the scientific background of the shapes involved.
The structure exhibits Miura-ori folding, a technique invented by Japanese astrophysicist Koryo Miura in 1985 for the purpose of deploying foldable arrays such as solar panels in space. It was subsequently demonstrated in 1995 with the deployment of a 2D array from a Japanese satellite.
Thank you to Ignition Northwest for supporting this project with funding, to Lilac Anima for the original soundscape composition, and to Kim Arbios for the photos.